me before tildetown: i'm a full stack developer who writes enterprise web applications. me after tildetown: TIME TO LAYOUT SOME ABSTRACT POETRY IN GROFF USING ED
~dozens the epitome of fuck around and find out for computers, or, how i learned to program
~m455 is the place where I realized that running a tilde maybe could be fun! course i ended up not doing so. is where i write pure html to feel the bits wafting over my body. pure internet waves of bliss
feels deeper than `tree`
cursor blinks, breathes code to life
always, tanasinn
in every window of every house a ~ that glows. the pigeons are clean here but the sidewalks are filthy. a whole world here in a fragrant paper bag on the stoop of reality. tilde town is like leaving a bag of flowers by the front door of your enemy.
its like if a cozy little tea party populated with tiny creatuers was tucked snugly inside some internet tree
~ dot town is where I take the coals of my burnout and stoke them into little embers of weird
~a tilde, a worm, a swirl, a long lost rhiannon relic singing quietly via wire whispers ~ and crt ~feels,~ a eureka recollection of ~nostalgia, a wiggly ~information superhighway corner- stone, a collective unconscious prophecy unfolding silently~ just at first, a burst of orange juice energy, a breath ~before a thought, a greeting between new friends new ideas ~new ways of life
I thought the "old internet" of small communities had totally died, killed by social media. But the town is the kind of place that makes you feel safe, full of kind people who are a ton of fun to hang out with.